Sandwich Steaks in Wine Sauce

– 4 portions sandwich steaks
– 4 slices French bread, sliced diagonally
– 1/4 cup butter, softened
– 2 tablespoons butter
– salt
– pepper
– 1/4 cup port or red wine
– 1/2 cup whipping cream
Spread bread on both sides with the 1/4 cup butter. In a skillet, toast bread until golden brown. Transfer to serving plates.
In the same skillet, cook steaks in 2 tablespoons butter to the desired doneness, turning once. Season with salt and pepper. Place steaks on top of the toasted French Bread slices; keep warm.
Add pork to skillet; stir to blend with pan drippings. Add cream; cook and stir till thickened and bubbly. Season with salt; pour sauce over steaks.